Wednesday 15 June 2016

SiN's moved

Sydney Insolvency News has a new home

Dear disciples of SiN, the blog you have known will soon be gone. Your correspondent has transitioned to a purpose-built website and invites you to do the same.

If you are not already registered on the SiN subscription list do not despair. Go to Sydney Insolvency News. At the top of the page you'll find the subscribe function. Enter your preferred email address. Press subscribe. It's free, quick and painless, as all good SiN should be.

Once registered the bi-weekly newsletter will soon be on its way, bulging with fresh disclosures and breaking news, faithfully chronicled and responsibly assembled for your consumption.

If dear reader you are one of the thousands (yes, there's that many) already registered for SiN then take solace in sloth. You need do nothing. Simply continue enjoying SiN.

   SiN's Moved